Friday, February 5, 2010

I am a Shy Guy...really.

Michigan Football and Multiple Myeloma must be a match made in heaven because the combination is opening a lot of doors to engage folks in my journey with cancer. Ever since I was young I hated getting called on in class to give an answer. For me, giving a book report was worse than receiving a spanking from my father. If you know me, you know my face turns red if you just say my name. I blush like none other. I find it ironic that I ended up being a kicker because I really don't like that much attention...especially 110,000 fans in the Big House watching your every move.

The latest happenings include an interview for the U of M Student Athlete magazine, tomorrow I will be speaking at a Superbowl Breakfast where last year there were over 300 people and next week I will be interviewed by I will also be working with the local chapter of LLS as their Honorary Chair for Light The Night Walk which will be on October 2nd.

I am so thankful for these opportunities and that I have the energy to go out and spread the word about Multiple Myeloma. In 2010 alone there will be 35,000 people diagnosed.

We all have a platform of some kind and I encourage you all to continue to speak up! There's a lot of great work being done in the area of Multiple Myeloma research, but we are still a ways off and need much more support. Let's continue to dominate together!

P.S. I completed my last Velcade infusion for Cycle #6 this morning. I forget to even mention all the crazy chemo my body is absorbing...which is definitely a good thing! Oh...and I just ran another 3 miles. No funk this time...I am just crazy. Here's the end result:


  1. Good to hear you were able to forget about the Velcade - I hope FL reaches that point soon!

  2. Hi Phil,

    its good when it becomes part of the day and not the main part. have you had and finger end pain from the valcade, I was getting very numb fingers and cuts, as I said before I am off valcade for a fewweeks while my fingers settle and platelets increase. so far so good.
    Keep the faith


  3. Roobeedoo- I am feeling FL's pain and he will be there soon enough!

    Ivan- constipation and projectile vomiting due to a paralyzed upper intestine were my biggest hitters. I do get a little tingling in my finger tips, but it's very minor. I think I have now completed 6 Doxil Infusions, 23 Velcade Infusions, 75 days of 25mg of Revlimid, and a lot of Dex too :)

  4. phil

    my lowest platelets was 25 last friday, thats why I am off velcade for 4 weeks, yesterday platelets were 68. as you say, we have had lots of chemo and other drugs and they attack good and bad, I will have a party when/if mine get to 115 and you are invited.

  5. Phil,
    I endorse your comments on spreading the word and to speak up on myeloma.
    It's amazing that myeloma has brought out this attribute in a "shy guy".
    God has a plan for all of us.
    Good health.

  6. Whatever you do, don't shave! Go in front of those people with their haircuts and freshly pressed suits and show them what a real man looks like... bearded!

    God luck and good speed,

  7. For sure Chip! Next month I'll be rockin some maize and blue hair, and a part-time mohawk as well. Hopefully I'll get some more opportunities to speak so I can shift some paradigms. Although....I'll be just a poser.

  8. Hey Phil, I would just like to say that I was really glad you were able to speak at the super bowl breakfast thing. Both your story and your attitude were very inspirational to me. Your joy in Christ when faced with such a huge trial is truly amazing. And I believe that God is using this trial and you and your family's reaction to it to reach many people. I'll be praying for you and your family. Thanks, and keep up the good fight bro!
    -Your brother in Christ, Clayton
    (Go Blue!:)
