Monday, March 1, 2010

Chemo...No more

Tonight was my last night of chemo since I started 147 days ago (10/6/09). The anticipated four cycles turned to seven and I am happy to move on. The results have been strong to quite strong, and I am ready to nail down this bone marrow transplant.

For old time sake I decided to go with a video blog....even with this cold that is stealing my voice:


  1. You got awfully close to me with that Revlimid!

    Good work, champ.

  2. That is all good. I like your philosophy. You are a trooper. Blessings to you and your family.

  3. I interrupted Horton Hears a Who to watch your vid and fortunately it was very much worth it. Yeah for the end of chemo, although that jar looked like something you should be putting ‘water’ into rather than drinking it out of.

  4. Way to dominate that chemo! By the way, Jeff absolutely loves to drink out of mason jars. I don't know what it is about them, but you guys have that in common!

  5. The best of luck to you Nick as you move on to the next phase of treatment. I've been there. I had tandem transplants in 09 and knocked the mm into remission. I'm now on maintenance chemo. I'm on month eight of twelve if i can stand it. Can't wait to say I'm done with it. Good luck on the transplant. You are young, and strong, and healthy. You can do this!

  6. I align with all your intentions for a successful outcome - so be it and SO IT IS!!!

  7. Congratulations! I get to start another round of Revlimid tomorrow. I've been enjoying my week off, but you get to enjoy more. You will do great with the transplant.


    P.S. I do love that Revlimid survey, it makes me laugh everytime! I like "Press 3 if you don't know."

  8. Did we just witness your last chemo pill ever?! I'm thinking positive thoughts, and maybe it's just your optimism rubbing off, but I am so hopeful for you and your family right now.

  9. Hoorah!!! That's one mountain
    scaled. Onward and upward!!
