Thursday, March 25, 2010

I've lost a friend, that I have never met...

It was just announced that the Elijah Alexander, Founder of Tackle Cancer Foundation, former NFL football player, father, husband and MM patient has moved on from this world. I am fighting back tears for his family's loss. Here's an article on his passing.

Elijah went the extra mile to track me down once he learned about my battle with Multiple Myeloma. I am lost for words. I feel like I have lost a friend that I have yet to meet. I cannot imagine how his family and friends are taking the news. Thoughts and prayers coming from the UMHS Cancer Center this morning.


  1. The news of Elijah's death hurts everyone involved with myeloma, sufferers, carers, their family and friends. As soon as I read about his death, tears just started flowing. He was far too young to be taken, I hate myeloma.

  2. Dear Phil,

    It’s hard to say the right words at a moment like this…

    Sometimes even if we never meet a person, they are just near and dear to us like our love ones who are beside us.

    I am sorry for your loss…

    When my Mom passed away, a dear friend told me this:

    “life has to continue, and we must live our own lives well and happily and productively, to make up for the time and the life that were taken away from our loved ones who had passed away”…

    Let’s keep pushing for the cure!!

    My deepest condolence,
