Saturday, April 17, 2010

TEDx Talk Now Online

TEDxUofM 2010 :: Phillip Brabbs from TEDxUofM on Vimeo.


  1. Loved it Phil. Laughter, tears, suspense, truly amazing.

  2. "5 year survival rate is 35%" that statement hit me like a punch in the gut. I hadn't heard that before. You and Jodi are both going to Dominate that statistic with your positive attitudes!
    Thank you for all you are doing to educate the public about MM.
    This is a great video!
    "Motivate-Dominate" I love it.

  3. Well there's 14 minutes and 57 seconds of my life I'm not gonna get back and that's not including the time spent getting popcorn!

    I had no idea what a BIG deal that kick was until I saw it the other day on facebook and then when you said about the size of the stadium - WOW!

    Go blue, go stem cells! It's just dawned on me that the stem cell in question is CD34!

  4. Jennifer- That is the statistic based on what has been done in the past. I think the recent advancement in drugs, transplants and post maintenance therapy that is catching on in practice today will rock the current data. Time will tell. The reality is that we are up against a giant, but it's hard not to stay hopeful when you meet so many myeloma warriors in search of beating this thing.

  5. How you illuminate.... and now you dominate! Don't listen to statistics - you might believe them!! Keeping you in prayer and the intention for great success with the SCTs...

  6. Hi Phil - you don't know me, I'm just a UM fan (graduated in '98) who remembers you well. Please know that you and your family are in our hearts. Your battle with cancer has touched my life. I'm hoping for positive results from the transplant and a healthy little one who brings more joy into your home (not to mention lots of sleep deprivation - I'm glad you guys will have help).
    lots of love from the Michigan family,

  7. Awesome Phil. You should just about have things wrapped up there at the transplantatorium. Soon, it'll be time to dominate that new baby, though maybe you'll want to do it from a distance for a little while.

    Peace to you and the growing family.

  8. Amazing! Very well spoken and inspired!

    Go Blue!

  9. Dearest Phil,

    I was near tears when I was watching your TEDx talk…

    You are deeply inspiring and a lot of your words resonated deeply.

    Especially with regards to not waiting for something like MM before we truly start to shed away what’s holding us down...

    Your speech regarding Faith, Hope, and Belief truly struck a deep chord in me… for its something that I also practice in Life no matter how hard it is a road to take… and hearing you talk about that renewed my Faith to things that I Believe in.

    And it all the more made me Believe that I am moving on the right path.

    For that, THANK YOU.

    I always make it a point to Follow my Heart as much as I can… although most of the time there were compromises involved…

    Just weeks ago, I started to FULLY Embraced what my Heart truly wants only to find out that it has a ‘negative effect’ to some of my Love ones…

    It was a hard beating to take but I all the more realized the importance of Believing in Our Self.

    And even though I am holding the ground that I chose, with your talk, it added to my realization that I also should start to find a way to heal broken relationships with People who may have not understand what I stand for in Life…

    You are an inspiration and You are truly rocking this Life admirably!

    May your Soul that shines brightly continuously illuminate and help People to Dominate their own challenges in Life.

    I pray all the very best that Life & Love has to offer for you and your family.

    God Bless.

    Let’s keep Dominating,

  10. Beautiful man. Just beautiful. It doesn't take much for me to tear up so...thanks for that. Love you guys!

  11. Awesome video, Phil! I am about 2 weeks away from getting the results of my auto STC and your words will help me get through this trying time.

    Congratulations on beautiful Ruby!
