Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day +36

I have reached day +36 which means 36 days post transplant that occurred on April 7th. I met with my BMT doc on Monday and I also had my catheter removed. I will receive my "numbers" on Friday which will enlighten us a little as to how effective the transplant was, although I was warned that the true results won't be fully realized until day +60. We are looking for my M-protein to hit zero....which is where it is for someone without MM.

In stead of trying to find the words in my chemo brain to help describe how I am doing, I thought I would just get real and go with video. Before you hit play, I should mention that my Myeloma buddy, Jodi, had a WBC count of 1.0 yesterday at Day +21. That is HUGE because her bone marrow biopsy showed that the stem cells didn't graft. She's not out of the weeds quite yet, but this is a very positive sign. Thanks everyone for your prayers.

P.S. I'll try my best to get Cassie to appear in the next VLOG. She's looking mighty good for having just had a baby and is well worth showing off to the WWW.


  1. It's great to see you and Ocean; what a treat! I'm still praying for you every day. May God bless you all. P.S. Hope you'll show the rest of the family on your next VLOG.

  2. We wish you the very best! Hang in there, kiddo.

  3. Sending all good wishes from us here in the UK Keep up the great work and all the very best with the latest readings.Beautiful little one in the Video.

  4. Ocean is so wonderfully typical for his age, a very good sign that his Mom and Pop are keeping him in good balance during tough times... but it looks as if you, Phil, are doing very well after all these days... can't believe it is almost mid-May! I continue to intend and pray for good results from your SCT and the next one as well.

  5. You look great Phil! Your spirit is awesome, you are God's love testimony to life. Thank you for sharing your most personal moments with all of us - our prayers are with you always.

  6. Loved the video and those of us who have been in your shoes, know how hard it is to keep up. New baby and 2 kids..You are doing great and prayers are sent you way!!

  7. Ocean is obviously completely overwhelmed with Ruby. Reminds me of a friend's grandson. On their first visit there with baby no 3 (a girl) Tom, 3 at the time, stands in the hall and gestures with his thumb towards his baby sister and says 'Is he coming with us?'
