Sunday, May 9, 2010

I am alive and so are the bracelets!

Cassie and I have been overtaken by the addition of a third kid tossed on top of the already chaotic, but fun, responsibility of parenting the lovely Ocean and Iris. What this means is we are way overdue for some blogs sharing how things went with my two week hospital stay during my bone marrow transplant and what it's been like a month after. I promise they are coming sooner than Cassie's 32 hour labor with Ruby!

In the meantime, we did order more Cancer Kicker - dominate Bracelets! To get your 73 bracelets click here. Make sure to send us photos of you and your loved ones dominating like these people. Ocean is a big fan of the new shipment, as you can see:

P.S. Please pray/send positive thoughts/whatever for a MM patient named Jodi. She is around Day +18 from transplant and her numbers are still not coming back. She is a relatively young Myeloma patient with a lot of life ahead of her. Thanks everyone.


  1. When I first started reading your blog, I was amazed at what you and your wife had been through with your cancer. I knew I had to include all of your family in my prayer list. Then I read about the pregnancy and cried because I was so worried about you. When Ruby was born and I read the excitement, I knew I had to change my pessimism to optimism concerning my own fight with myeloma. I am so amazed at you and your family. I just know that I can't wait to read what is going on with y'all and I pray daily for all of you. Ruby is a gem and the most courageous thing I have ever seen from a married couple. I admire all of you so much. Happy Mother's Day to your lovely wife. And Jodi is being sent prayers and good thoughts. You are good people. Rebecca Weber

  2. Thank you for the prayer request for Jodi. It did my heart good to see that. I get mad at myself for getting so down about it all when she is staying so positive.
    We sang "Garments of Praise" this morning in church if you don't know the song here are the lyrics:
    Put on the garments of praise
    For the spirit of heaviness
    Let the oil of gladness flow down
    From Your throne
    Put on the garments of praise
    For the spirit of heaviness
    Your joy is my strength alone
    My strength alone

    Make these broken weary bones
    Rise to dance again
    Wet this dry and thirsty land
    With a river
    Lord our eyes are fixed on You
    We are waiting
    For Your garland of grace
    As we praise Your name

    Sing hallelujah
    To Your name
    Hallelujah Sing hallelujah
    We trade our sorrows
    For garments of praise

    Needless to say I broke down and cried through the entire song. I am waiting for God's garland of grace to be on my sister and her health. I can't wait for the day I see my sister singing and dancing God's praise with her entire body and not just in her eyes but understand I am so thankful to see God's praise in her eyes.

    Thank you for caring Phil. It means a lot!

  3. I want one, I want a bracelet, I'll order one as soon as B let's me have the credit card. I noticed Cassie posted MM Monday's - you must be slave driving her and has Uncle Chip seen the stuff behind Ocean on the last pic? Anybody would think you didn't have anything else to do.

    Seriously, not a word I use very often, I'm sure you are but make sure you are all looking after each other and accepting help when offered, except off that dodgy Aunt everyone seems to have who just wants to ferttle though your stuff, drink tea and complain about the biscuits someone else brought and keeps asking where the volme control is on the kids. ;D

    It goes without saying positive thoughts to Jodi.
