Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My first "yog" and Day +30 Test Results

Dr. J called to give me the results from Day +30 after my first bone marrow transplant and to say congrats on little Ruby. Dr. J confirmed that we will be moving forward with a second (tandem) transplant....timing TBD. Since my last vlog I have left my zip code for the first time in 9 months to visit one of my four sisters, completed a light jog, sent out 100 more Cancer Kicker - dominate bracelets (thanks Tam!) and watch my parents dominate my mulch and their backs. Watch the video below for my whereabouts and my recent test results.

Here's a nice shot of me panting like a dog after my three mile yog. It felt good to dominate my body....I am sick like that.

Hold the line and keep those feet moving!



  1. YAY BUDDY!!! =o] so happy to hear you gettin' back into things. you are truly an amazing person, phil. =o]
    GOD BLESS you and your family always and congrats on the newest addition to the fam. =o]

    sarah harris

  2. Glad to hear you are doing so well! I don't know if you remember but my Daddy had a transplant just a couple of days before you. He is doing great. He just got his results a week or so ago and his m-spike was down a hundredth of a point but his doctors said the same as yours...basically these numbers don't mean anything yet. We are keeping the faith that both of you will dominate!!

  3. I just wanted to send you my best and most positive wishes for a super duper CR.
    Loved your yog story...
    Keep that positive attitude and keep moving! :-)
    Ciao from a smolderer living in Florence, Italy...
    P.S. congrats on your new baby, love her name!

  4. Glad to hear you are doing so well, I have to confess it makes me a little envious though as Mike just seems to walk backwards at the moment. I'm going to try really hard to keep putting one foot in front of the other, just for you Phil.

  5. Whoa, that was quite a yog! Remember, when yogging, milk is a bad choice.

    Let's go day 60 results! I'm praying for that number to move.

  6. Yeah! It is so good to see you doing so well.

    I can't even fathom another BMT with where Jodi is at. The thought of that makes me cringe.

    Keep on Dominating!

  7. You look good, perspirating and all! I sure hate that you have MM but we do appreciate having you as a spokesperson and warrior at the front lines. I hope 2nd transplant goes as smoothly...

  8. Fantastic that you're feeling so well!

  9. Hi Phil...You are doing great! You are going for THE CURE...
    The second transplant is easier, at least it was for me and it will be for you also! Thinking of you!
    Linda Bush

  10. OK Phillip, a nice brisk walk will suffice. No not negative but your body is under great stress so ease up on the Macho stuff. You are still a man and yes it is admirable that you have done so well but pleaseeeee do NOt sabotage yourself by overdoing.
    Moderation is the key to success. Take care and keep up the good work!!!
