Friday, June 11, 2010

Funeral, Chickens and My 60 Day Test Results

What an emotional week. I am back in the saddle at home with not much energy to chase the kids around. Cassie was a champ with all three kids for four days as I flew to Florida to commemorate the life of my Grandpa George and share in family time. I was given an opportunity to speak at the funeral and share how my two grandparents, who were both only children, started something known as the Brabbs' Family which today includes 17 grandchildren and currently 10 great-grandchildren. Although I was born and raised several states away from my Grandpa George, it was made clear this past week that I am very much similar to the man he was and that I hope to be. On a lighter note, my uncle Jeff hosted my parents and me at his legit guest house which is home to three chickens (shown below) that provided some awesome breakfast (eggs) served up by my uncle Jeff.

Yesterday, I had bone marrow biopsy #5. I really don't mind them, partially because my PA at UMCCC knows how to dominate the procedure without dominating me. Those results will be on there way in a few days and will tell us what percentage of Myeloma plasma cells still exist in my bone marrow. Below is a picture of me waiting to see the BMT Doc, showing of my new watch which was given to Grandpa George for his High School Graduation at Flint Central. I am also wearing a silly band which I just learned about. I think the dominate bracelets are much cooler!

Also, I received my 60 Day (from transplant #1) test results and my M-Protein dropped from 0.6 to 0.5. This is positive because it is showing that my body is responding to the high-dose chemo (Melphalan) that I received. My goal is still to get this to 0.0 after my second transplant and some consolidation (more low-dose chemotherapy). I feel like I am at the mid-point of my treatment and I am very excited with the results although we still have a little more way to go.

On a side note, there are some really cool things going on with the Cancer Kicker Foundation as the Facebook Fan page is now over 4,o00 members and almost all 100 dominate shirts have been pre-ordered. I must say all of this work on CKF has been dominated by Zak Branigan who is such an inspiration and good friend to our family. Cassie is sporting her dominate shirt today and she looks hot for having Ruby only 6 weeks ago. Score.

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