Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Dominate Gene Lives On

There's so much both Cassie and I want to say and reflect on over the last two months, but the reality is that things have been too busy on the home front to find the time and energy to blog about it. For starters, here's me dominating as I get my heart and lung screening to make sure I am healthy enough for my second transplant, which will happen on June 23, in exactly three weeks!

I'll admit, there isn't a day that goes by where I don't think about Multiple Myeloma. Fortunately, I was wired to be a glass is half overflowing type guy so I usually channel my energy on that topic to try to grow or benefit a cause. The most recent being these sweet shirts that my boy Zak Brannigan spearheaded (check them out here!).

As for this particular week, it has been extra tough because it seems after the dust begins to settle in our lives and we feel like we have some clarity for the path we are on and where it is leading us the dirt often gets kicked back up in our eyes. This week my family lost Grampa George (no, not graNDpa). The guy was the epitome of what it means to dominate life and losing him this week made me realize that genes go much further than hair color and chin dimples...and for this I am thankful. The funeral is set for Monday and I'll be heading down with my mask on with all my family to celebrate such a great life and mourn the end of our time with him here. Here's a picture of our last time together:

Amidst all of this time feeling sad for reasons other than cancer for once, I was given a bright shining ray of hope today. Test results came back from a young cancer patient (41) who had a very aggressive form of Myeloma. After Day 30+ post-transplant, he has no M-protein....HOORAY! The MM journey brought our two families together based on the likeness of our situation (young kids at home) and it's so great to see victory on their end. Their journey is not over, but oh how sweet the news was today!

Cassie and I hope to video blog very soon. Until then, keep dominating!


  1. Condolensences on the loss of your Grampa. True to the genes you seem to have inherited I assume the funeral with be a celebration of a life full of love, joy and fond rememberances.

  2. So sorry for your loss. Especially with so much going on. It is always amazing to celebrate a life well-lived, though. i hope it's a special time with your family.

    Thanks for the update--I love those shirts! You guys are an inspiration!

  3. I am so sorry for the loss of your Grampa George. And I must wish you success for the 2nd transplant. I pray that you and your wife are getting enough rest.

    Rebecca Weber

  4. So sorry to hear of your loss. No doubt that Grampa George has joined your guardian angel services to watch over and protect you on your journey. Hope all is well with your family under the circumstances. Best of luck on the upcoming SCT.


  5. We're sorry to hear that you lost your grandpa. We hope that the time with your family is healing and hope-filled. We're praying for you all!

  6. Sorry to hear about your Grampa.

    I won't have a hard time remembering the date of you 2nd transplant... it's my birthday.


  7. Sorry for your loss of Grandpa George as any family member,no matter how old, is a great loss.
    I have been reading the related blogs on your site and am amazed again how many young people have come down with MM. Glad your friend had good news. I urge you all, no matter what the state or remission to remain on guard. The MM can return at anytime so live a healthy lifestyle to keep it away. Congrats on your own good news. I had my 6month check up yesterday and I am still MM Free. God Is Good...
