Saturday, June 26, 2010

Phil's Vacation: Day +3

Today was great. I had awesome company, received six jars of pickles (ate one) and finished off with 1.5 miles walking and an hour of Beatles Guitar Hero. My new buddy Steve had an interesting comment about how we view time that was pretty profound, and I am hoping to dwell on it more as I dominate the rest of this transplant. Domination to all! -Phil


  1. A fellow patient totally entered the lounge at the very end while I was recording. It got awkward real fast! -Phil

  2. Phil,
    You were on my mind today and I put your name as well as another MM'er going through transplant on our church prayer list today.Some fine Lutheran folks prayed for you at this morning's service. Then a few hours later at the swim club, I was talking to Olivia's friend's mom and her brother-in-law has been out visiting this weekend. I asked where he was from, she said
    Michigan. I said I knew of a man having a transplant there now and Michigan had an earthquake tremor and tornado watch a few days ago. She said she had not heard that and where in Michigan was this. I told her the Ann Arbor area and she said that was where her brother-in-law was from. She said what hospital is the man you know in and I said, pretty sure it's U of M and she said her brother-in-law is the head of oncology there!
    I told her a bit about you and she said she wondered if he knew you 'cause he is a big football fan. His name is Alfred Chang and he is the director of surgical oncology(and my kid's good friend's uncle) I thought this was one of those "small world" moments. Anyhoo, hope all is continuing to go well. Are you seriously eating pickles? I think that would be the last thing I could stomach whilst feeling a little hungover.

  3. Keep rocking out Phil! We were watching the USA soccer game too, at about 4am in Sydney, it was a bummer of a loss, but that's life. We control what we can control, right? And all we can control is our positive attitudes and efforts, which you are obviously dominating in every sense, so keep it up! We're about 3 months behind you in the process, and are drawing a lot of inspiration from you, so thanks mate! Cheers from Carlin and James
