Monday, June 28, 2010

Phil's Vacation: Day +4

More pickles and more great company. I also watched Invictus which I found inspirational, but probably more made for viewing in the theaters. The quote that stuck out the most from Mandela during the movie was, "Forgiveness liberates the soul..." In America it seems like we are quick to blame, slow to apologize and very few times do we reach forgiveness. So let's make sure we teach our children how to dominate forgiveness.


  1. Stay strong and DOMINATE, Phil!!!!!

  2. Awesome post, brother. I just had my first bone marrow sample since having the stem cell transplant on April 30 at Karmanos in Detroit. Love your attitude and staying connected is such a big part of staying positive. Do those laps even if you have to break them down into smaller segments and do them like four times instead of one big one.
    My heart goes out to you and I will lift you up in prayer as you head for "bottoming out". Let those wonderful nurses and your friends and family carry you during the really tough days. Thank you for this posting.

  3. Phil - love your thoughts on "forgiveness liberates the soul"; so true. Something we all need to stop and think about & put into action every day. Keep on dominating!! :)

  4. Phil---maybe you can get a custom Dominate shirt for yourself that looks right in a mirror. :) Miss you!!

  5. So Pickles and Chips works??? hahaha that's funny Phil! Melphalan the Monster robs our appetite and kills our immune system? But dominates over the MM cells??!! eh, I can hardly wait for next weekend! Thank you for sharing your strength and encouragement Dr Domination :)
    Love our shirts and look forward to the new colors! Thank U for all your postings Phil!!! Julie
