Monday, July 12, 2010

Momentarily emerging to say hello.

This is the first time since Phil came home that I've been able to sit down at the computer and type more than a few word Facebook update.

It appears to me that the recovery from this transplant has been tougher than the first. Phil seems more tired and generally run-down. He also has had a headache since he got home but I'm convinced he's having Mountain Dew withdrawals. No matter... he seems to have taken a turn for the better today, hence me actually having time and energy to post an update.

The two weeks in the hospital went well. Phil spent much more time resting, less time stationary biking. More time joking around with nurses, less time trying to beat the walking record on the transplant floor. Oh, and more time waiting out tornado warnings in the hallway, less time.... well, NOT waiting out tornado warnings in the hallway.

At some point we came to the realization that, while we've attempted to protect the older two kids from the harshness of this whole situation, little miss Ruby has been here through this entire ordeal. First on the inside, privy to all the meetings with our medical team, months of chemo and through the first transplant. Then on the outside, coming to the hospital every day during transplant number two. I think Ruby's presence throughout the last year just adds to our love and appreciation for this delightful new member of our family.

My not-so-subtle hungry baby.

On tap for the next few months... forced rest for Phil. He likes to be social and creative and busy, so resting goes against the fiber of who he is. I get the difficult job of making sure he's napping, eating and wearing his mask when he ventures outside. Plus the added bonus of household responsibilities (the house looks like hell) and full-time kid duty (I look like hell). Speaking of kid duty, Iris decided to start potty training last week when she got off her motorcycle big wheel bike and asked, "Where can I go pee?" which was completely the worst timing in the history of potty training. Caregiving is not for sissies (and thank God once again for my mom helping out and keeping this ship, and me, afloat every day).

I'll be popping in from time to time to update you all on Phil's recovery since he's on internet hiatus until further notice. Maybe I'll even do a video blog or two if children and time permit/s. We'll see.

We're thinking of all of you and hope you are taking the time to enjoy each one of your days.


  1. First of all, red alert, Cassie: the same smut peddlers who "comment" on my blog from time to time are here on yours. Delete!!! Most importantly, thank you so much for updating us on how things are going for all of you. Yesterday I prayed at Mass for Phil and you and your dear little ones. May God bless you all and may He continue to give you the grace to dominate MM.

  2. Thanks for this update. And incidentally, you look beautiful in that photo! That look on Ruby's face is priceless! Love it.

    Will continue to pray for Phil and for your sweet family to have grace and strength in the midst of this. xo

  3. A wonderful update and beautiful picture of you and Ruby. I'm glad to hear Phil is forcing himself to be a good patient and get the rest he needs.

  4. Thank you so much for the update. Tell Phil to hang in there. I think you're right on the Mountain Dew withdrawl, or is it pickle withdrawl!

  5. Thanks for the quick update, still praying for Phil and your family. A fellow traveler in Ohio...

  6. Going cold turkey from Mountain Dew - is he insane? There should be a chart showing gradually reducing doses.;D

  7. Cassie glad you had time for a breather. Hope things settle down. You and the baby look awesome, hope you feel that way. Tell Phil to rest and not be too macho.
    Thanks for doing the shirts and bracelets and keep the faith. Time is a wonderful thing. I had a date when I knew certain plateaus would be reached, my friends thought I was a little nuts but at each plateau date I reached my goal. We all need something to cling to. Take care. We are going exploring this week on the coast.

  8. Thanks for the update on how things are going. Rest is a major necessity. I know EXACTLY how Phil feels about not wanting to rest. I am always told to not "overdo" it, but sometimes end up doing it anyways when I have the energy. Then I am down for a few days...sometimes more then a few. It is very difficult to know the limits when your feeling so up and down all of the time. It is so hard to just sit around when your used to being very active. I have been resting and over doing it for 8 years, and still continue to not rest when I feel good. My family and friends always put me back in my place when I rebel. You are an excellent caregiver and wife and mother. Keep up the excellent work!! You, Phil and the kids are always in my prayers. DOMINATION!

  9. Hi Phil,Cassie and family, woke up this morning and wondered how you are all doin, as we have not heard for a while.I'm "Sponge Mike, Square one" at mo, as my chemo had to be stopped and proteins up to original levels, but Phil's bracelet is gonna MAKE me DOMINATE, so I don't have to worry. Lorna and I really would like to know how you all mare, cus we worry about you xxxx.

  10. I meant "are", not mare in the last
