Sunday, July 4, 2010

Phil's Vacation: Day +11

Today marks independence for Americans and I stake claim of independence from cancer this day forward! My white blood cells (WBC) started to come back and so did my ANC. If I would not have tossed my cookies this morning, my BMT doc was looking to let me go home. No worries, that gave me the opportunity to play the world's great prank (view it here) on 8A at UMHS and also celebrate the 4th with some awesome transplant patients and their families as we dominated Rock Band for 3 hours and we have video right here to prove it!!!

I am out of this joint tomorrow, making my stay 12+ days, two better than my first transplant. Now it's time to start on the road to a long recovery. I am ready.

Keep dominating,


1 comment:

  1. ...And for those concerned, you should probably mention that you had permission from everyone who appeared in these videos to post them to the internet. (Fred is COOL.)
