Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Power of the M Ring

Week 1 of my return to chemotherapy is in the books. I am highly anticipating that if there is any Multiple Myeloma left that it is crying for its mamma...who can't be found anywhere. To mix things up, I am trying a new visualization technique where I pretend I am Denard Robinson playing tackle football at recess with a bunch of third graders. The Myeloma being the third graders. I am also sporting my M-Ring for the first time since receiving it many years ago.

The biggest challenge right now is fatigue; especially the day of infusion (Tuesdays & Fridays). I can go from 60 to zero in 4.7 seconds. Cassie has been great though. She is really pushing me to have scheduled nap times to ensure that my body is able to recover from the intense treatment and also fight all the little bugs I am certain Ocean is bringing home from pre-school. Speaking of pre-school, Ocean is just loving it. Apart from his parents, his two favorite non-food things are people and projects; therefore, school is like Disneyland for this kid. It's also been pretty relaxing for mommy.

domiNATION Update: We are getting close to the $15,000 mark...thanks everyone! All of these funds go directly to Multiple Myeloma Research at UMCCC done by Dr. J. who has been the lead investigator on a number of clinical trials over the last few years. If you would like to make a contribution to the domiNATION, you can do so here: Make an online donation to dominate Multiple Myeloma


Preferred Customer/ Janice said...

Phil you can buy a bottle of colloidal silver fine, at a good drug store, and if you fee you do not want to spray it in your throat, try it on the kids. This is harmless and as it is a spray very minimal and use it every other day. Just spray with mouth open, take deep breath. You can spray a cotton swab and put up the nose (for yourself and kids). This is a natural easy way to keep bugs at bay. As it is a fine spray it is more potent to the germs and kids can use it too. The notes written on overuse usually apply to the liquid form that people take. Jim and I have taken it on every big plane trip and for the first time no colds or flu from trips.
Take care and take a nap with the baby!!! Give Cassie a rest....Hugs

Preferred Customer/ Janice said...

PS: I am trying to post your web page,for domination, other than the donation page. You must have a page that shows why you want the money. So if there is such a page please let me know. People who do not understand what you are doing, and just going direct to the donation, are unsure of what they are donating to.

Cassie said...

I'm a big pusher of colloidal silver! That and Umcka, probiotics and Oscillococcinum. Especially this time of year.

wearitbaseball said...

I just sent this to my other 2 coaches as we just had a visualization meeting with our team 30 minutes ago! I love your visualization technique!