Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee

"Round 4" or what the doctor calls Cycle #4 is now underway. There's talk of staying in the ring with my Multiple Myeloma for two more additional cycles after this one to ensure that we give it our best shot. I was looking forward to being done, but when taking on cancer you need to dominate it, and that means you need to be agile, mobile, flexible and maybe a little hostile at times to give you that extra energy to stay in the ring and make sure you knocked it down and out!

On a side note, thank you everyone for the growing participation in Thankful Thursdays. Amidst the twist and turns of this cancer journey that started over two years ago, being thankful and hopeful have been two key ingredients to keep me on the path of domination which is producing in me much optimism. Every week I encourage everyone to post something new that they are thankful for. Why wait till Thanksgiving to get started?


  1. You keep packing a punch Phil till you knock MM to the moon!

  2. Like all the great boxing stories, you'll come out ahead in the end!

  3. Thanks Linda and Chris! There's still a lot more punch in this family/community. It's been along 13 months, with two more months to go and then onto maintenance!

  4. My 55 year old dad was diagnosed in September with Stage III MM. What I am most thankful for is the little treasures we take for granted each day. My dad's blog is

  5. I got to spend 3/4 of a day with Phil, what a great guy. He spoke with our employees about taking on challenges and I have never seen them hang on every word like they did for Phil, or, should I say, "The Dominator". Then (eat your hearts out)I got to meet Cassie (WOW!), Iris (a Doll!) and Ocean (Bottled Energy) (sp?). In the end, I wondered how, in just a day, as a 57 year old guy, I could have this 'upstart' 30 year old as my hero. I think its because he has Cassie, "The Motivator", as his guiding light! While I have no doubt the Quantity will be there, they truly have the Quality! Thanks Phil for the day, thanks Cassie for lending him to us!
