Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Day + 4 Years

8.8.08 seems like a such a special day. One of our close neighbors gave birth to her son. It was just a day past my 28th birthday, but for us, it was a wake up call to something our doctor called Multiple Myeloma. We were confused, lost, and in utter shock. We didn't know where to go from there.

Well, four years have past and I can say with ease, I hope we never have to go through that again! It's been a roller coaster of a joureny with many emotions, several scary emergency room visits, a ton of stress, plenty of chemo and much uncertainty.

But, we are still here. We continue to make family our priority and grip everso tightly to the hope that the Myeloma will not return to my body.

I am so greatful that in the last four years I have been able to see Ocean grow into being a kid. Iris continues to impress me with her independence and ability to get whatever she wants, when she wants. And Ruby, wow, she was far from our radar at diagnosis, and now we have a two year old full of life and happiness.

Moving forward from today, our tanks are full, our children are healthy and we are geared up to dominate Multiple Myeloma for many more years.

Thanks to everyone for all the support, kind words, meals, you name it, over the last four years. Our continued domination goes hand in hand with all the love and support people continue to pour out on us.

Much love and continued domination to you in whatever life throws your way!



  1. You certainly have much to celebrate and we rejoice with you that domination is evident in every area of your life! Keep on keeping on!

  2. What a joyful post, Phil! Thanks be to God for this anniversary, which has turned out to be a very happy one after all. May you and your lovely family have many, many more wonderful years ahead.

  3. God bless's to forty more years Phil. GO Blue.

  4. What a great post. God bless you and yours, my friend.

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