Sunday, February 10, 2013

Cancer Results are back!

Every three months I get the chance to hop on the train to Chicago, for a 5 hour trip that gets me in around midnight. I have gracious friends through the city that take me in, so I hop a cab to their place where I crash. When Tuesday morning arrives I catch up with my friends and then they give me a lift or I take the train to the University of Chicago where I see Dr. Jakowbiak.

This trip was similar, but special in its own right. This time I took a traveling companion, my second born and first daughter, Iris. I wasn't sure how traveling with a five year old would go, but inside I felt so thankful for the opportunity to share this moment with her. Her and 'ducky' were the best two traveling companions I could have asked for. We also had a blast reconnecting with a dear friend of mine. 

This trip Dr. J ordered a bone marrow biospy. Although the test only grabs marrow from one area of your body, it hones in very closely on your blood. So needless to say, there was some excitement around what the results would say. This is one area in my life where I want to be negative! 

So the results are now in...and yes...I am still negative! Dr. J even went as far as saying if I can maintain this result for another year, that he would consider taking me off of maintenance chemo. 3.5 years in, with only 1 more to go. It's the last leg to go. 

So 2013 is off to a great start! This time next year I hope to be hitting the training with Iris again, this time returning with no chemo in hand!!! 

Keep dominating everyone!! -Phil


  1. Just great news indeed. I continue to wish you well with all good results. How pretty your little one is and what a marvellous travelling companion to have.All very best wishes for 2013 and onwards.

  2. Such great news to start the week! Congratulations.

  3. That's so freaking awesome! So glad to hear it hasn't come back.

  4. God is great!! Love you Phil!!

  5. So happy for your good news! I'm sure your little Iris was pleased as punch to be with her Daddy on the train ride to Chicago. Keep dominating Phil and thanks for sharing your latest report.

  6. Great news...continuing to pray for your healing. Best wishes,
    Gary Wirsing

  7. Wonderful, wonderful!! So glad you are having a great start to the year and intending it is continuing!!!

  8. Phil have not checked in for sometime. Have had an interesting journey myself. Congrats on your clear, may it stay that way. I hae never had stem cell for various reason and have relied on special supplements. I got a clean bill of health with the last 2 checks ups. have only about 2% of the MM cells left with no obvious effects so it can happen. Love how your babies are now growing!
