Wednesday, March 20, 2013

2013 Update

While sitting in the Cancer Center at U of M, for what may have been my 100th appointment over the last 5 years, I could not help but feel a sense of gratitude. I felt thankful for the parking lot attendee, who always smiles at me like she was expecting me, to the medical staff that has had to put up with me all these years. I feel like we have all grown together and have continued to carry the same message of hope, that keeps us all keeping on each day.

As for my appointment, my bloods counts came back legit. Hemoglobin is the highest it has been in years. I attribute that to playing indoor soccer in the over 30 league every Monday night. That's right, I am back to playing not-so-competitive sports. My leg strength is not quite like it used to be, but I can still miss wide left like it is nobody's business. I am having fun with it and so are my teammates. In a recent game, a teammate of mine dropped the cancer card after I was tripped by an opponent. He said, "Dude, do you know he's a cancer patient?!?!?" 

Lastly, I took a leap of faith and decided to join a very close friend in helping him grow the business office for Torrent Consulting up in Michigan (website) (Like on Facebook) The company is growing quickly and the services seem to be in high demand. The job provides the flexibility to work from home, so that means more time with the family. I also plan to get more plugged in with the University and the Ann Arbor community, which rocks.

In short, 2013 has been good to us so far. -Phil


  1. I love this post!! :) Hope to see you soon.....

  2. Keep up the good work, Phil!! Glad things are going so well for you.
    Carole Leigh Ingram

  3. Awesome news Phil! Good luck with the new job!

  4. ...after all these years son, you still manage to amaze me. x-o
