Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Share your story?

I can honestly say Cassie and I extract a big chunk of our strength and positive outlook from the stories of others living with MM. When I was first diagnosed I learned about a Michigan State football player who I played against that was diagnosed at age 25 with a son on the way. That guy is now six years out from transplant and there is still no trace of the disease. I think about him and his family constantly. His success is my hope.

So in light of our dependency to lean on the stories of others to glean hope, I thought it would be fun and educational to have MM patients allow me to post their stories on this blog. If you are dominating MM right now and wouldn't mind sharing your story please post a comment or shoot me an email to pbrabbs at hotmail dot com. I'll send you some basic questions and we'll go from there!

Let's continue to journey together....


  1. That is an awesome idea! It will really help those of us going through treatment now.

  2. Great Idea Phil

    We are beating Myeloma tomorrow by going to Cyprus during my Velcade break, I will put some ideas together when I am away and come back to you in a couple of weeks.


  3. Phil, people helping people, I like it.
    "His success is my hope" a good saying.
    I am happy to contribute, email on it's way.

  4. I don't know if I'd count as "dominating" so much as "trying not to tick the MM off", but I would participate!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. we would love to participate. espcially after our 100 day post transplant results!!

  7. Count me in. As someone who was recently diagnosed and currently undergoing the same treatment as you, I find it so helpful to read the optimism shared on your blog.


  8. Can I share my husband's story? He is not much for sharing or talking about this, but his is a similar case to your friend (25 years old, almost 4 years out since transplant....)

  9. Awesome everyone! To share your story fill out the following questionnaire and email it to cancerkicker at gmail dot com.

