Monday, March 29, 2010

Happy Apheresis Day!

Stem cells are being collected as we speak. A pleasant surprise: an old friend of mine from high school is our nurse! We shot a video so you can see just how uneventful this process is, and just how pregnant my face is starting to look.


  1. Who is the nurse?!
    West Coast prayers for y'all.

  2. Go stemcells, go!! I will be cheering for your stem cell team today.
    Loved your funny story. You guys amaze me how you stay so upbeat all the time.
    Sending you good wishes from NJ,


  3. Ah, parallel netflix... You guys could be an advertisement.

    Hooray for stem cells, your positive outlook, and your sense of humor. After waking from a coma, during which many invasive things were done, my dad asked "Am I still a man?" Somehow I see your goal to be similar: get a smile out of everyone you meet :)

  4. Hey guys
    The video post is awesome! My mom started apheresis today too, and its reassuring to see what kind of crazy machinery she is hooked up to a couple thousand miles away. Love the good luck and good games for your blood, way to be encouraging! Sending thoughts of big numbers and mucho stem cells from CA
    -Laura :)

  5. You guys crack me up!!! Many prayers to the both of you from the Sunshine State!!! xoxo

  6. So that's where the magic happens. You guys look great!

  7. Hey, you guy's are too cute! Your blogs are awesome, and way funny! Phil, you're on your way to a major touchdown...we're all rooting for you! Keeping you in prayer for this whole transplant to be 100% sucessful. Phil 4:13!

  8. what the blood doesn't smack each other on the asses on the way back in either? you should have a serious talk with your blood cells.

    Best of luck!

  9. hi Phil and Cassie, brill video. Think everybody loves havin a, and also think everybody got one of those nurses the one of mine who won't let me be ill on Easter holiday Monday, because of her planned day off..... "I got chills there multiplying and I'm losing controooool" is my shot peeps.

    Get those big boys back in play and kick ass soon!

  10. Just checking on you my friend to see how your feeling. I remember my time through that contraption and thinking man it looks like an old Reel to Reel Tape machine we used to use back in the old Television days. Take care of yourself and get plenty of fluids in your system. But I'm sure you already know that :)
