Friday, April 2, 2010


Phil's hair began falling out this week so he decided it was time to take the clippers to it. The kids wanted to help, and then they both wanted to shave their heads. I told Ocean we would talk about it later, and told Iris sorry... it took two years for her to have ANY hair at all and I don't really want to start over.

Here's a video of the action. My favorite part is when Ocean says, "You look like you, with all your hair off." And Iris says, "You look beeee-YOU-teeful!"


  1. What a fantastic video for our Friday night! Your wonderful little family is absolutely incredible. love you lots ... tweetie and david

  2. My hair has returned and is beautiful. Someone made a joke yesterday and said "Did you just get new hair" not knowing the radiation took mine. She was stunned when I told her "yes I just did grow new hair" do you have a new hairdo to look forward to in a few months

  3. The video is awesome and your kids are darling!!!

  4. AWESOME! Love the buzz and all your helpers - including the cute profile of Baby-Brabbs-to-be. Keep the Faith, Baby - I KNOW you will get through this. Just imagine the Big House full of all of us cheering you on - and know that the nurses on the 8th floor are the best! Paula (Megan's Mom)

  5. Looks good, Phil! I was cracking up at Ocean. He idolizes you, man. So thankful for you guys!
