Thursday, June 17, 2010

2nd Half Kickoff: Monday, June 21st, 4:30pm

For those who have been tuning in to the Dominate Army vs. Multiple Myeloma, the second half of the game will kickoff this coming Monday with high dose chemo followed by my second bone marrow transplant in less than 3 months. Here's me kicking off against Michigan State in 2002....I think the final score was A LOT to 3....advantage Michigan!

It's very fitting that this weekend I'll be up at Spartan Stadium watching the 2010 Michigan High School Football All-Star game. They will be interviewing me at halftime where I will get yet another chance to say Multiple Myeloma 27 times in front of a pretty large audience. For all those with MM, we need to continue to speak up and educate folks about the disease.

This week I was blessed with the opportunity to speak with both teams and their coaches about what it means to Dominate and how I have been able to turn life's obstacles into opportunity. Just standing next to these guys made me feel like a scrawny former kicker. After I am through SCT #2 I am going to hit the iron until you can't recognize me!


  1. Can't believe it's already time for SCT #2!! Domination goes by quick!

    ps....Side note....we need some more pics of Ruby! :)

  2. Yeah for the All Star Game! I was in the marching band for that *&^ years ago! Glad the gents got to hear from you! Have a great weekend! BTW - I agree with Candice: MORE RUBY!!!

  3. It will be great to get the 2nd SCT over and done. Be sure to dominate those ice chips!

    Best wishes from Oregon Duck country.


  4. Thanks for the heads up--I can feel the dominating forces all the way in Australia!

    Praying for you guys!

  5. The scrawny comment made me chuckle because my oldest daughter (16) was watching some old home videos yesterday of when she was 3 and she saw her daddy. You know the muscle bound MSU lineman I'm married to. Yeah well apparently we haven't noticed the change over the years. LOL! He is still a big guy but he looked HUGE in those videos. It looked like he was still wearing shoulder pads under his t-shirt.

    I guess things change when you aren't lifting iron everyday. Speaking of lifting (I know I am rambling on now but that's the way my brain works some days, squirrel!) my son called yesterday... He benched 500#!!! Is that incredible? He now holds the highest bench weight of the entire football team and he doesn't even play football. CRAZY!

    We leave for Junior Nationals Tuesday where he will compete in both shot put and discus. We will celebrate my 41st birthday on the 23rd and I will be praying that your day goes great that day!

    Jodi is scheduled to be released to guest housing today. The sun is shining. God is good!


  6. It's such a shame we only get to do it once over here!!!!!!!!!!!! Where's the fun in that? Do a couple of miles on the exercise bike for me. Go stem cells! :D
