Friday, June 18, 2010

At your request...

We interrupt this myeloma fest to update you on the other all-consuming issue in our household... the kiddles. (We talk way more about these cuties than we do about cancer. Believe dat.)

Ruby is seven weeks old. I forget that she's still brand new to planet Earth... it feels like she's always been here. She's rather lovely and delightful. Her best friends are Ocean and the ceiling fan in our living room. She loves to be held and does NOT like to be put down. So I get next to nothing done but I don't really mind 'cause lookie:

Ocean making her laugh.

And here's Frick and Frack:

Don't let those sweet smiles fool you. In the last week they have been caught chewing bubble gum in Iris's closet during naps, flushing foreign objects down the potty and putting glue stick on their hands and feet in an attempt to climb walls like Spiderman.

I love them.

Here's video of Iris singing the Thomas the Train song. We bribed her with cheese. We are good parents.


  1. You ARE good parents. And that Ruby is a doll! Oh my gosh, it makes me want another one.

    The kids look great--Iris is so pretty with those curls!

  2. You have a beautiful family full of light and good times! Always an inspiration

  3. Lovely pictures and lovely of you to share. It makes me tired just reading all you do. The news channel piece: you looked so beautiful and you certainly do not look like you have ever had kids.

  4. Amazing aren't they? And good parenting shows through in every smile!

  5. I love that Ocean can get such a huge smile from Ruby. They are all going to be such good buddies. I love your family!

  6. That video is adorable plus infinity. You must be laughing all day at that crowd!

  7. Thanks for sharing your family with us Phil.
    For what's coming up...Dominate.

  8. Enjoy every moment with your beautiful children. They grow up way to fast! My "baby" turned 12 yesterday.

  9. the person who said parents shouldn't bride their kids clearly has never been a parent. It's an essential part of parenting. :)
