Friday, June 4, 2010

Dominate Shirts NOW AVAILABLE!

The Cancer Kicker Foundation is officially launched thanks to Zak Branigan, President, and caregiver to his amazing wife who just beat an aggressive form of breast cancer. Zak spent the last week working on our first production of Dominate shirts and pushing paperwork to get us incorporated. Our first order was pretty small, so we didn't have to break the bank to get these shirts to people who really want to support the cause. Make them go fast so we can dream big!

Also, for anyone who purchases more than one shirt we will also send the equivalent number of DOMINATE bracelets. Buy 5 shirts and get 5 bracelets. There is no shipping charge. The plan is to channel all proceeds to get the Cancer Kicker Foundation off the ground so we can raise MILLIONS for cancer research targeted at finding a cure for Multiple Myeloma and supporting those affected.

To learn more about CKF, check out our Facebook Fan Page!


  1. I would like to suggest that you use some of the money you raise to help those who are not making their bills, need an aid in the home and some things like that. Yes MM is sadly ignored but the Billions spent on cancer research one should expect more by now. It is a known fact that Japan and other countries have found natural or near natural cures for cancer. The catch..No money in it for the drug companies. I wish you well in your cause but the trenches is often where the money is needed. Good wishes with your project....I have been in the system and it is discouraging...Yes involved in the research side..

  2. Looks like scarlet and gray...LOVE IT!

  3. I ordered my shirt! I'm going to tie up the sleeves with pink ribbons to make it more girlier. Thanks!
