Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Phil's Vacation: Day 0

There were a lot of great things that happened today and also some strange things. First, we reached our goal of 5,000 fans on our Cancer Kicker Facebook page before my transplant...hooray! Secondly, USA beat Algeria. I think you can give credit to Jamie and Daniel below who sported their Dominate bracelets at the game in South Africa. Lastly, I got my 4.5 Million baby stem cells back!

As for the strange things, Ann Arbor got hit by an earthquake tremor and a tornado. I slept through the earthquake, but unfortunately for the tornado warning all the patients had to take cover in the hallway...I had to tape this (watch).

The day in review went like this:
  • woke up at 6am
  • watched Sports Center
  • ate breakfast
  • Cassie and Ruby visit
  • dominated Stem Cell Transplant
  • ate lunch
  • slept
  • ate dinner
  • sat in the hallway due to tornado warning
Here's the video recap for Day 0.


  1. I LOVE that this tremor and near twister happened this day. I think it's the perfect scenerio/good omen and I'll bet your MM cells have been shook, rattled, rolled and spun out to Munchkin Land!!!
    Stay well!

  2. Hey Phil- so glad to hear of your Domination success!!! You're my trail-blazer! You look great, sound great, and you'll be GREAT!!!! Have lots of questions for you... but don't want to bother you too much! I'll email you and get back to me when you're up to it pal! Julie V :)
