Thursday, June 24, 2010

Phil's Vacation: Day +1

Not much to report, other than my appetite is non-existent and I am pretty tired. By the way, thanks to everyone who bought a dominate shirt, apparently we sold 50 in the last 24 hours! There are still some available and they can be ordered here:


  1. Hey Phil, any mouth sores or mucositis yet? Did you do the ice treatment during Melphalan? That was one of my biggest problems during 2nd transplant. Hope it's not yours. Good Luck and watch those white blood cells take a nose dive so the new "stem cell babies." can grow! Best of Luck, Hang in there! and enjoy the "vacation"

  2. Kristine- Thanks for posting again and providing some encouragement. No mouth sores yet! Just pretty tired...

  3. Hang in there dude. I hope you enjoyed your 24!
