Saturday, September 27, 2008

multiple myeloma conference

Phil went to a MM conference today (thanks, Barb). He said it was enlightening and brought a sense of reality to our situation. He asked one of the doctors from Karmanos about the age of his patients... the doctor said his youngest MM patient is in his mid-30s, the second youngest is 47 and the rest are in their 50s and up. So, as we pretty much already knew, we really are the rare birds in the myeloma landscape.

Phil was also able to get some good information and stats on stem cell transplants which we will continue to mull over. Even though we're not at that point yet the likelihood is that we will have to make these decisions in the near-ish future and we want to be as prepared as possible when that time comes.

I've been following several blogs written by people who have MM and I decided to add those links to this page. However, I'm not sure about blog etiquette so if you are the writer of one of these blogs and you would prefer not to have a link on my page please email me and I'll take it down.

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