I hope the holidays were great for all of you. We had a pretty good Christmas week. It was busy... we had three separate celebrations and by the end of it all the kids were beginning to act like entitled little punks so we've been working on gratitude this week. It seems to be helping.
We also had a visit at the Bone Marrow Transplant office right smack in the middle of the week, which only intensified the chaos of the holidays. We spent a few hours talking with the transplant doctor about the process, the options and what we can expect. Phil will be doing another cycle or two of chemo and could have his stem cells pulled as early as next week, depending on what his numbers look like. We both liked the doctor; he was very thorough and it was nice to have a clearer picture of how things are supposed to go down.

Speaking of things going down, I was at the top of our steps on Wednesday and slipped, falling allllll the way to the hardwoods at the bottom. My lower back was in excruciating pain and there was obvious concern about how the baby was doing so Phil took me to the ER while my friend Lindsay watched the kids. It turns out that, if you want to be seen right away in the ER, tell them you're 23 weeks pregnant and fell down a flight of stairs. They rushed me back, brought in the ultrasound gurus and checked us both out. Besides a fractured tailbone, everything looked good and we were discharged about two hours after arriving. So I've been trying to rest and take it easy for the last couple of days which isn't too difficult to do since I can't move. Phil took the week off and has been manning the children as best as one person can. My mom calls us Sick and Sicker, and that's just about right. It's currently up for debate who's who.
We had intentions of watching the ball drop on TV last night from the comfort of our respective couches but got all caught up in Stupid Human Tricks on The Late Show and accidentally rang in the new year watching some guy try to blow bubbles with his mouth using baby shampoo. When we turned back to Times Square it was 12:03. We are easily distracted, and even more easily amused.
So that's the holiday update. 2010 is going to have rough patches, so I can't say I'm all excited about it at this point, but there will be some bright spots as well and those will hopefully be enough to carry us through the challenges.
I hope you are all feeling well and staying hydrated today. You crazy party animals you.