Ever since my diagnosis I continue to receive emails, facebook messages, phone calls, cards and letters from the Michigan Faithful. Just yesterday the most popular U of M sports Magazine, The Wolverine, posted an interview of me talking about my battle with cancer. Read it here: Former Kicker Brabbs Valiantly Battling Cancer
I am so thankful for having played football at the best institution both athletically and academically. The education has provided me opportunities to be on the teams of some of the greatest and fastest growing companies in the world, who happen to make some of the most money (measured in billions). My gridiron experience which was spent mostly at Schembechler Hall with grueling workouts that made grown men cry and puke a lot has engrained in me an intensity so deep within that quitting is not an option (Thanks Mike!).

And now...I am thank for the medical team that is not just behind me, but leading the way in kicking my Myeloma for many years to come and committed to finding a cure. I hope eventually I can do an interview of the medical staff so you can put a face to their names, but they will probably be too busy in clinic working with patients or on a computer trending numbers to understand their new findings. That's the type of staff you want to work with.....
You see, the reason my family and I moved back to Ann Arbor (it wasn't the weather!) was to return to a church that we loved during my college days and to be closer to our immediate family. Almost 3 years later I have found a growing community of love and generosity here in Ann Arbor and now I can thank God for having bigger reasons for placing us back in A2 than I would have ever imagined.
If you missed any of the other articles, here they are: