Thursday, September 16, 2010

More Multiple Myeloma Awareness: Required

To be completely honest, I probably get just as excited when someone new learns about Myeloma as I do when my M-protein drops. Multiple Myeloma is a tough cancer to swallow with no simple cure, and even with an aggerssive protocol that is very taxing on the body, people are excited about a remission of 7-10 years. At age 30, that's a hard pill to swallow with three kiddos under five and a mother that stays at home with these cute munch-guns

So although I am thankful for my treatment options and how I am responding (slowly, but getting there), I know that what is going to keep me here to see my kids go through school, on to college and one day marry, is people getting behind the cause to continue to advance towards a cure, and in the meantime, new/novel treatment therapy that provides more opportunity to push the remission out longer.

Today was one of those blessed days in terms of the realization that the word is getting out. Above is a picture of a football team all the way in the Czech Republic that is sporting the Burgundy Myeloma colored wristband with the word "dominate" on one side. Also, on their helmets they are sporting burgundy ribbons. Many thanks to their coach Zach Harrod for taking up the cause to help us all affected by Myeloma continue to grow in advocacy and awareness! You can follow this team on Facebook here. They are 1-0!

In addition, a friend of a friend wanted to take up a cause for his half marathon in Columbus, Ohio, of all places. After learning about Cancer Kicker's desire to inspire, advocate and raise funds to cure Multiple Myeloma, Aaron Conrad has called friends, family and fellow bloggers to come together to dominate. His slogan is simple, "Together We'll Dominate". I totally believe as a community of people we will dominate Multiple Myeloma. Which reminds me, vote for the IMF Racecar if you have not already by going here! Lastly, if you want to join Aaron's charge, read how to do so on his blog.

If you have any interest in helping build awareness for Multiple Myeloma, shoot me a comment. If people don't know about this disease, how can we expect them to help? Thanks everyone!


Amy said...

That's amazing! I must say, I'd never heard of it before reading spilled milk and now this blog. I am so glad you guys are blogging this journey. It's helping so many--and will in the future too.

Praying for total healing for you!

Unknown said...

Thanks Amy!

Aaron said...

Phil - So honored to join you on this journey. I hope that whatever we can do, big or small, raises awareness and lets you know you're not alone. You've got a whole lot of people lifting you up!