Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thankful Thursday #6: Caregivers

I am thankful today for caregivers; especially my own. I tell everyone that I think it is much harder to be the one walking along side the myeloma patient, than being the myeloma patient. The burden the caregiver has to carry is unimaginable to me. They have to educate themselves on the disease, in my case carry and deliver a baby, with two little ones already in the nest; and most importantly they have to be a rock.

Cassie has been all this and more. She's made sure we didn't lose our house when things got dicey, she has maintained focus on the kids so that there emotional landscape has not been wavered by this Myeloma Monster who entered our household over two years ago and she has had grace for me during my highs and very highs thanks to Dex.

When we started are dating relationship we called ourselves PnC...not to be confused with the bank that acquired our beloved National City. It stands for Team Phil and Cassie. I would be lying if I said the last year treatment has been nothing but X's and O's for (that's kisses and hugs, not a football schematic), but we have definitely continued to be united in our quest to dominate Multiple Myeloma.

As I transition out of aggressive treatment in the next couple of months, look for Cassie to return her voice back to MM for Dummies to share her insights on how the last year went, what we've learned and where we might still be struggling. She is good at keeping it real with a healthy dose of humor. Here is her recent post in her new series titled "Resourceful Wednesday."

Tomorrow (Friday) I will give a physical health update explaining what post-tandem auto-transplant consolidation therapy has meant to me and my body. By then I should get an update on my M-protein/spike which I hopeful for a decline from the steady 0.2 result I have been given over the last 3 months since starting this treatment regiment.

Please share in the comment section what your caregiver has meant to you. Better yet, if you are a caregiver, please express what the role has been for you.


Linda said...

Being the caregiver is a role I embraced from day 1...EZ and I were in this battle together. I always knew my husband had a high tolerance for pain, an unshakeable faith, a natural ability to assess a situation and come up with a plan to move forward and an unselfish attitude in his concern for others. Caring for him has been a privilege, deepening our love for one another and our bond with our family and friends. Though times have been frightening and not at all how we imagined our life at this point,there have been many silver linings. I have been able to witness the man I love overcome obstacle after obstacle with integrity, grit, kindness and compassion. I am the one who has been blessed!

EJ & Roo said...

you guys are so stinkin cute! great post. serving as my mom's caregiver during her SCT actually strengthened our relationship my leaps and bounds (and we were super close before!) during our time away from the cancer center just haning out in the lonely hotel room she'd tell me stories that i probably never would have heard had we not been in that situation. she's got more courage than anyone i know.

Unknown said...

Wow Linda, I can't wait to meet you guys in person one of these days! You guys make a great team! I think at times the Dex has caused me to lose the compassion piece that the Big EZ has been able to demonstrate! What an awesome testimony of your faith!

Riley- I am so glad that our families have been able to follow each other's story from the beginning. You guys have both been a great example of strength and domination.

tim's wife said...

Well a little twist here as I am not the MM'er but behind every caregiver is hopefully someone who keeps them from teetering over the edge. I'm grateful for my sister who lets me talk as much as I need to despite how hard it is to hear some of the things I have to unburden myself of. We all need someone like that to turn to and that sis of mine would post bail for me if I needed it, no questions asked. Thanks Cathy!!!
I totally forgive you for being born on my birthday and stealing my thunder. ;o)