Well, we hardly believe those statistics any more thanks to aggressive therapy and new treatment options. Although, I do relish each additional year I am able to spend with Ocean, Iris and now Ruby. Ocean's birthday is pretty emotional for me because it is a reminder that I cannot take for granted my time with him and that it could be snatched up in a moment's notice. Today he turns 5 and although most people say, wow, time sure has flown...for me, I feel like the kid should be 10 by now given all that we have been through and experienced since he was born on Feb. 28th, 2006 in Concord, NC.
So cheers to Ocean today! This kid brings a lot of laughter and bright moments to our world that hasn't been all smiles; albeit he makes us forget. The kid has been smiling since day one and I am certain that nothing will be able to stop him!