I also promised you a picture of Phil's bone marrow site (his butt) in the last posting. He made sure I took it last night before he went to bed. I've gotten pretty awesome at ripping bandages off, by the way. I say I'm going to count to three and then instead of counting I just rip it off. Anyway, here's the picture.

Thinking about you guys. The articles are great. Phil, we are praying for you...
I think showing my butt off is great way to increase follower-ship. I have already read this same blog post 10 times this morning.
That's one way to reel us in. :o)
Not too shabby there, Phil. When Tim had his first bone marrow biopsy at diagnosis, the ICU nurse
came up to me later and said,
"I hope you don't mind me saying this but your husband has a cute ass." Good thing this was not said by one of the hot nurses Tim met later in transplant or he might have left me in a New York minute!! The good thing about being young and good looking in this MM business is you'll get a lot of TLC from the nurses. Everytime I ran home to visit our daughter when Tim had his transplant, I came back to find him surrounded with these gals.
LOL at Tim's Wife!
And yeah, if I weren't already a reader, I'd definitely be bookmarking after this post!
Hey, Cassie, let me know if I can help with the kids. Trey would love some playmates--he isn't in preschool this year.
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